Course Overview
The Art ITT programme seeks to enhance your existing knowledge and to ensure you are developing the necessary subject and pedagogical knowledge required as an art teacher. Understanding how to effectively deliver practical lessons as well as theoretical study is vital. Being an art teacher not only involves having the right knowledge, it requires you to be creative, imaginative, and inspiring, and through the Mid Essex ITT subject expert training you will learn different strategies and approaches to be the best teacher you can be.
As a result, it is intended that Art & Design trainee teachers will be able to:
- Develop their subject knowledge to a depth and breadth that enables them to teach their subject at KS3-KS4 with confidence and competence
- Understand the pedagogy of their subject and be both deliberate and judicious in their choice of methods and approaches
- Be able of the curriculum requirements for the age range they teach and have awareness of how content is chosen to be broad, balanced and deliberately sequenced
- Understand how learning happens in their subject and be able to use a range of approaches to ensure that knowledge is more likely to be retained
- Learn about the statutory assessment arrangements for Art and be able to guide and prepare students for both internal and external assessment
- Anticipate and address common misconceptions within planning and lesson delivery
- Develop students’ hinterland knowledge and intellectual curiosity
- Use a wide range of subject terminology and be aware of strategies to help students use these terms for themselves
- Provide learners with actionable, motivational and manageable subject specific feedback in order for them to make progress in their learning
- Create classroom climates that are inclusive for all learners regardless of ability or background through an awareness of potential barriers to learning and how to overcome these
- Learn how to activate hard thinking in their subject as a result of a deliberate approach to structuring, explaining, questioning, interacting and embedding knowledge
Useful Websites
Entry Requirements
A degree in Art & Design or a related subject, at class 2:2 or above
Maths and English GCSE at grade 4/C or above
Involvement with young people in some capacity
An awareness of issues in Art & Design Education
Reading List
Below are the essential texts you should read:
- Addison, N and Burgess, L - Learning to teach Art and Design in the Secondary school
- Art and Design KS 1-3 - The National Curriculum for England
- Barrett, Maurice - Art Education a strategy for course design
- Binch, N and Robertson, L - Resourcing and Assessing Art craft & design
- Clement, Robert - The Teachers Handbook
- Cox, A and Harper, H - Planning, Teaching and Assessing Learning
- Department for Education - A Guide to Safe Practice in Art and Design
- DfEE - The National Curriculum Art and Design
- Earle, K and Curry, G - Meeting SEN in the Curriculum: art
- Fwd by Howgarth, P - The Artists Manual: Equipment, Materials & techniques
- Harland, John et al - Arts Education in Secondary Schools: effects and effectiveness
- Hickman, R, ed. - Art Education 11-18: meaning, purpose and direction
The following texts are not essential reading, but would be worth becoming familiar with:
- Leas, M Learning to teach using ICT in the Secondary school
- Newbury,D Photography, Art & Media
- Prentice, R Teaching art and Design: addressing issues and identifying directions
- Sedgewick, D & F Art across the Curriculum
- Taylor, R Visual Arts in Education
- Thistlewood D, Ed Critical Studies in Art and Design Education
- Ward, Barbara Getting the Buggers to Draw
- Wenham, Martin Understanding Art: a guide for teachers
- Edwards, Betty Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain; new ed.
- Jones, Royal, Grahame The Sketchbook, an Adventure
Course Funding
For 2025-2026, if you are eligible, you will receive a bursary of £10,000 to train in Art & Design.
To find out more about financing your teacher training, click here
Course Codes
QTS with PGCE, full time or part time - 2B2W
Any Questions?
If you have any queries about the content of this page please call the Mid Essex ITT office on 01376 556 398 or email us on
Lead Subject Tutor
Jo Bridgeman
Jo was previously an AST in Art and she is currently a SLE for teaching and learning. She has organised a range of programmes to help improve teachers and move them towards a grade 1. This has included running a 2-1 programme and an outstanding conference.
These have had a continued positive outcome on improving teaching across her school. She is now a lead practitioner and part of a teaching and learning action group within the school, and she is involved in delivering training sessions and helping support staff to improve their knowledge of what makes a lesson outstanding.
Jo has been a Lead Subject Tutor for MEITT for nine years, and this has very much helped to improve the subject knowledge of art trainees in Mid Essex. She is also the Professional Tutor at Greensward Academy, and is also the ITT Co-ordinator there.